julian j schloeder
  • I'm a philosopher. Here are some things you may want to know about me.
  • I am an Assistant Professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of Connecticut, Storrs. My PhD is from the ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
  • My research centres on logic, language, mind and metaethics, but I tend to construe these terms rather broadly. Best to look at my papers.
  • I now generally spell my last name as 'Schloeder' (without the umlaut). Old publications can be cited as either 'Schloeder' or 'Schlöder', as these are equivalent spellings. I prefer they/them pronouns.
  • I am an associate editor for Logique et Analyse.
  • My Erdős number is 4.
  • My email is composed in the obvious way from gmail.com, the at symbol, and julian.schloeder